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Red Dot Crosshair Png !!TOP!!

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Red Dot Crosshair Png !!TOP!!

HudSight draws a crosshair overlay right over a game frame and it doesn't matter what video mode is used in a game. That is why you can switch your game to fullscreen and get minimal input lag. Finally!

HudSight is not a cheat, it doesn't change games files or game play, it just draws an overlay (like Steam or Origin services or some other tools). But please make sure that the Terms of Service of a game you play do not deny such enhancement. For example, PunkBuster anti-cheat service gave manual bans for the screenshots of custom crosshairs in old Battlefield 2 and 2142 games.

We will breakdown the necessary settings below and explain in detail how to set a dot as your primary aim. Players can also add the console commands to their config files so that the next time they launch CS:GO a dot crosshair will be awaiting them in-game.

Retired Belgian CS:GO player Adil "ScreaM" Benrlitom made the dot crosshair famous after he started using it in Valorant, from where it has now jumped over to CS:GO as well. So all the players who are thinking of trying out this dot aim, here are some crosshair related console commands that you need to know.

There are five different types of crosshairs available in CS:GO and players can select a value between 0 - 4 to select anyone of them. The most preferred crosshair styles are 2, 3, 4. The remaining values generate default crosshairs which are quite terrible and cannot be modified further.

This particular setting determines the colour of the crosshair and players can select a value between 0 - 5 to select anyone of them. The six colour options available are, 0 = red, 1 = green, 2 = yellow, 3 = blue, 4 = cyan, 5 = custom.

The custom colour value can be set through these three console commands; cl_crosshair_r, cl_crosshair_b, cl_crosshair_g. Players can select a value between 0 - 255 for each of these three commands to create a custom crosshair colour. These three settings represent red, blue, and green colour strengths, combining them results in a new colour.

This setting is helpful in adjusting the transparency of the crosshair. Players can select a value between 0 - 255 which determines the visibility of the crosshair. It is highly recommended to always keep this setting at 255 which helps the crosshair standout in front of any type of background.

This is one of the most important settings and is used for adjusting the size or length of the crosshair. The default value is 5 but most people prefer it anywhere between 2 - 3.5, anything more than the default value is not recommended.

This particular setting helps in adjusting the thickness or width of the crosshair. The default value of 0.5 is considered to be good enough, but if you are facing difficulties than one can increase it.

cl_crosshairalpha "255" cl_crosshaircolor "5" cl_crosshaircolor_b "255" cl_crosshaircolor_r "255" cl_crosshaircolor_g "255" cl_crosshairdot "1" cl_crosshairgap "-3" cl_crosshairsize "0" cl_crosshairstyle "4" cl_crosshairusealpha "1" cl_crosshairthickness "1" cl_fixedcrosshairgap "-3" cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1" cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"

This is the most basic CS:GO dot crosshair setting which can be further modified by you as per personal preference, comfort, and need. However, some settings need to stay as they are and should not be changed to maintain aim in the shape of a dot.

cl_crosshairalpha "255" cl_crosshaircolor "1" cl_crosshaircolor_b "0" cl_crosshaircolor_r "0" cl_crosshaircolor_g "255" cl_crosshairdot "1" cl_crosshairgap "-3" cl_crosshairsize "0" cl_crosshairstyle "4" cl_crosshairusealpha "1" cl_crosshairthickness "1.5" cl_fixedcrosshairgap "-3" cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "2" cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"

This is the most common CS:GO dot crosshair used by players. It is a well-balanced crosshair with good visibility across all maps. Green is the most recognizable colour and the slight black outline makes it impossible for players to lose the crosshair even in front of bright textures.

Now that you know all the console commands related to CS:GO crosshairs and have even figured out how to create a dot crosshair. Let us now show you how to actually get them in-game. There are two ways to obtain a dot crosshair in CS:GO,

Red Dot Crosshair Png Free Images AreRed Dot Crosshair Png Free Forum PhpBBLike Dislike Flamekiller Administrator Number of posts: 405 Age: 28 Location: Estonia Registration date: 2007-07-24 Subject: Re: Request Dot crosshair Fri 24 Aug 2007 - 10:48 Glad u got it working Like Dislike Hakura Newby Number of posts: 8 Registration date: 2007-09-18 Subject: Re: Request Dot crosshair Tue 18 Sep 2007 - 22:26 I prefer the smaller one too P Like Dislike HeyAll User Number of posts: 32 Registration date: 2008-03-20 Subject: Re: Request Dot crosshair Thu 20 Mar 2008 - 14:38 Stike can you apload here your dot custom crosshair files here plzz.

Youtube video tutorial Pro tip: dont forget to subscribe and turn notifications on so you wont miss any future videos Crosshairs Overall Bigger it is, easier is to measure distances between the crosshair and the target.

Was just reading your article. Awesome info, love the ballistic charts. When using an assistive device to maintain equipment position, I find it helpful to fire my group, then, adjust my crosshair onto the group. Then I move the weapon so that crosshairs or for are on bullseye and fire another group. So, instead of estimating the clicks, I adjust the scope to reflect where the weapon is firing. Kind of backwards, but either way is fine. Thanks for all the info though, I really enjoyed it.

The typical configuration for a red dot sight is a tilted spherical mirror reflector with a red light-emitting diode (LED) at its off axis focus. The mirror has a partially silvered multilayer dielectric dichroic coating designed to reflect just the red spectrum allowing most other light to pass through it. The LED used is usually deep red 670 nanometre wavelength since they are very bright, are high contrast against a green scene, and work well with a dichroic coating since they are near one end of the visible spectrum. The size of the dot generated by the LED is controlled by an aperture hole in front of it made from metal or coated glass.[2] The LED as a reticle is an innovation that greatly improves the reliability and general usefulness of the sight. There is no need for other optical elements to focus light behind a reticle. The LED itself is solid state and consumes very little power, allowing battery powered sights to run for hundreds and even tens of thousands of hours. Using a "dot" shaped reticle also greatly simplifies the sight since the small diameter image does not require a sophisticated optical reflector to focus it. More complex reticle patterns such as crosshairs or concentric circles can be used but need more complex aberration free optics.

Moloknya picked up her gun and looked down the new sights. She paused as she saw something very unusual- it looked like some numbers in her field of view. Then she figured out- it was tracking windspeed velocity and moving the crosshair accordingly.

const G = 6.674e-11, MAX_RND_VEL = 5, MAX_RND_MASS = 5e12, MIN_RND_MASS = 50, MAX_RND_SIZE = 8, PI = Math.PI, TWOPI = Math.PI * 2, FADE_RATE = 4, CURSOR_LINE_COLOR = "cyan", OBJECT_BORDER_COLOR = "white", CANVAS_BACKGROUND = "black", GRAVITY_FIELD_MARKER_COLOR = "rgb(150,200,150)", GRAVITY_FIELD_MARKER_RADIUS = 0.5, TRACK_GRADIENT_FADE_RATE = 0.015, TIMESTEP = 0.5, MAX_FIELD_DISTANCE = 900, canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"), chkShowFabric = document.getElementById("ShowFabric"), chkTrackObjects = document.getElementById("chkTrack"), ddlFabricGranularity = document.getElementById("FabricGranularity"), ddlRestitution = document.getElementById("Restitution"), ddlBorderBehavior = document.getElementById("BorderBehavior"), ddlObjectSize = document.getElementById("ObjectSize"), ddlObjectColor = document.getElementById("ObjectColor"), chkHandleCollisions = document.getElementById("chkCollisions"), btnNextStep = document.getElementById("NextStep"), btnAutoStep = document.getElementById("AutoStep"), txtDelay = document.getElementById("Delay");const WIDTH = canvas.width, HEIGHT = canvas.height, DOUBLE_SIZE = MAX_RND_SIZE * 2, SCALE = MAX_RND_SIZE / Math.pow(3 * MAX_RND_MASS / 4 / PI, 1/3), ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");let numObjects = 0, cellSize = ddlFabricGranularity.value, borderBehavior = ddlBorderBehavior.value, objectSize = +(ddlObjectSize.value), objectColor = ddlObjectColor.value, showFabric = chkShowFabric.checked, shouldHandleCollisions = chkHandleCollisions.checked, trackObjects = chkTrackObjects.checked, Cr = ddlRestitution.value, // coefficient of restitution delay = txtDelay.value, time = 0, stellarObjects, isRunning = false, isPlanting = false, plantX, plantY, mouseX, mouseY, gField = [], gHeight, gWidth; let fadeMultiplier = cellSize / FADE_RATE;ddlRestitution.addEventListener("change", changeCoefficientOfRestitution);chkHandleCollisions.addEventListener("change", changeHandleCollisions);chkTrackObjects.addEventListener("change",changeTrackObjects);canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", touchDown);canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", touchMove);canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", touchUp);canvas.addEventListener("mouseout", stopPlanting);ddlBorderBehavior.addEventListener("change", changeBorderBehavior);ddlObjectSize.addEventListener("change",changeObjectSize);ddlObjectColor.addEventListener("change",changeObjectColor);document.getElementById("Reset").addEventListener("click",reset);document.getElementById("NextStep").addEventListener("click", step);ddlFabricGranularity.addEventListener("change",changeFabricGranularity);chkShowFabric.addEventListener("change",changeShowFabric);btnAutoStep.addEventListener("click", toggleAutoStep);txtDelay.addEventListener("change", changeDelay);reset();toggleAutoStep();function changeCoefficientOfRestitution() Cr = ddlRestitution.value;function changeHandleCollisions() shouldHandleCollisions = chkHandleCollisions.checked;function changeTrackObjects()trackObjects = chkTrackObjects.checked;function stopPlanting() isPlanting = false;if (!isRunning) drawFieldAndObjects();function changeBorderBehavior() borderBehavior = ddlBorderBehavior.value;function changeObjectSize()objectSize = +(ddlObjectSize.value);function changeObjectColor()objectColor = ddlObjectColor.value;function changeFabricGranularity() cellSize = ddlFabricGranularity.value; fadeMultiplier = cellSize / FADE_RATE; reinitializeGravityField(); recalculateGravityField(); drawFieldAndObjects();function changeShowFabric() showFabric = chkShowFabric.checked;function toggleAutoStep() if (isRunning) clearTimeout(isRunning); btnNextStep.disabled = false; isRunning = null; btnAutoStep.value = "Auto"; else btnNextStep.disabled = true; btnAutoStep.value = "Stop"; isRunning = setTimeout(loopStep, delay); function changeDelay () delay = +(txtDelay.value);function touchDown(event) event.button === 2) event.preventDefault(); return false; else isPlanting = true; plantX = event.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft; plantY = event.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; mouseX = plantX; mouseY = plantY; event.preventDefault();function touchMove(event) if (isPlanting) mouseX = event.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft; mouseY = event.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; if (!isRunning) drawFieldAndObjects(); drawCursorLine(); event.preventDefault();function touchUp(event) if (event.which === 3 function reset() ctx.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); reinitializeGravityField(); stellarObjects = [ getStellarObject( "orange", 1.2, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, 0, 0.002), getStellarObject( "magenta", .001, WIDTH*6.7/8, HEIGHT/2, 0, 2.4), getStellarObject( "green", .07, WIDTH*1.8/5, HEIGHT/2, 0.00, -2.2), getStellarObject( "red", .1, WIDTH*4/5, HEIGHT/2, 0.00, 1.5) ]; numObjects = stellarObjects.length; step();function loopStep() function step() if(!trackObjects) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); else ctx.fillStyle = CANVAS_BACKGROUND; ctx.globalAlpha = TRACK_GRADIENT_FADE_RATE; ctx.fillRect(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; if(showFabric) resetGravityFieldInPlace(); moveObjects(); drawGravityField(); else moveObjects(); drawObjects();function removeObjectAt(x, y) for (let i = stellarObjects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) let obj = stellarObjects[i]; if (getDistance(obj.x - x, obj.y - y) WIDTH) o.x = 0; else if (ox < 0) o.x = WIDTH; if (oy > HEIGHT) o.y = 0; else if (oy < 0) o.y = HEIGHT; else if (borderBehavior === "Ricochet") else if (borderBehavior === "HalfRicochet") if (ox > WIDTH else if (borderBehavior === "Annihilate") } applyObjectsGravity(); for (let i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) let o = stellarObjects[i]; o.velocity.x += TIMESTEP * (o.acc.x + o.oldAcc.x) / 2; o.velocity.y += TIMESTEP * (o.acc.y + o.oldAcc.y) / 2; }function checkCollision(obj, ovx, ovy, objectsToIgnore) for (let i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) let test = stellarObjects[i], shortCircuit = false; if (test === obj) continue; for (let j = 0, len = objectsToIgnore.length; j < len; j++) if (test === objectsToIgnore[j]) shortCircuit = true; break; if (shortCircuit) continue; let oa = obj.acc, ta = test.acc; let ox = obj.x + TIMESTEP*(ovx + TIMESTEP * oa.x/2), oy = obj.y + TIMESTEP*(ovy + TIMESTEP * oa.y/2), tv = test.velocity; let tvx = tv.x, tvy = tv.y; let tx = test.x + TIMESTEP*(tvx + TIMESTEP * ta.x/2), ty = test.y + TIMESTEP*(tvy + TIMESTEP * ta.y/2); let difx = tx - ox, dify = ty - oy; if (difx === 0 && dify === 0) continue; let aSize = obj.size, bSize = test.size; let cumulativeSize = aSize + bSize; let distance = getDistance(difx, dify); if (distance < cumulativeSize) handleCollision(obj, test, cumulativeSize, difx, dify, distance, ox, oy, tx, ty); checkCollision(test, tvx, tvy, [obj].concat(objectsToIgnore)); // objectsToIgnore prevents a "Night at the Roxbury" collision loop // [obj].concat(objectsToIgnore) checkCollision(obj, ovx, ovy, [test].concat(objectsToIgnore)); function handleCollision(first, second, cumulativeSize, difX, difY, distance, x1, y1, x2, y2) let mass1 = first.mass, mass2 = second.mass; let cumulativeMass = mass1 + mass2; let v1x = first.velocity.x, v1y = first.velocity.y, v2x = second.velocity.x, v2y = second.velocity.y; let v1 = Math.sqrt(v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y), v2 = Math.sqrt(v2x * v2x + v2y * v2y); let collisionAngle = Math.atan2(difY, difX); let dir1 = Math.atan2(v1y, v1x), dir2 = Math.atan2(v2y, v2x); let d1cA = dir1 - collisionAngle, d2cA = dir2 - collisionAngle; let newXv1 = v1 * Math.cos(d1cA), newYv1 = v1 * Math.sin(d1cA), newXv2 = v2 * Math.cos(d2cA), newYv2 = v2 * Math.sin(d2cA); let massVCalc = mass1 * newXv1 + mass2 * newXv2; let finalXv1 = (massVCalc + mass2 * Cr * (newXv2 - newXv1)) / cumulativeMass, finalXv2 = (massVCalc + mass1 * Cr * (newXv1 - newXv2)) / cumulativeMass, finalYv1 = newYv1, finalYv2 = newYv2; let cosAngle = Math.cos(collisionAngle), sinAngle = Math.sin(collisionAngle); first.velocity = x: cosAngle * finalXv1 - sinAngle * finalYv1, y: sinAngle * finalXv1 + cosAngle * finalYv1 ; second.velocity = x: cosAngle * finalXv2 - sinAngle * finalYv2, y: sinAngle * finalXv2 + cosAngle * finalYv2 ; let dx = first.x - second.x, dy = first.y - second.y; if(dx === 0 && dy === 0) // special case for shared centers of gravity, offsets objects in random directions before continuing let xOffset = (Math.random()*1); let yOffset = (1 - xOffset)*(Math.random()*2 > 1 -1 : 1 ); xOffset *= (Math.random()*2 > 1 -1 : 1 ); first.x += xOffset / mass1; first.y += yOffset / mass1; second.x -= xOffset / mass2; second.y -= yOffset / mass2; dx = first.x - second.x; dy = first.y - second.y; let d_squared = (dx * dx + dy * dy); if (d_squared = 0; i--) let o = stellarObjects[i]; let ox = o.x, oy = o.y, om = o.massEffect; applyObjectGravityToObjects(o, ox, oy, om, i); if (showFabric) applyObjectGravityToFabric(ox, oy, om); function applyObjectGravityToObjects(stellarObject, x, y, massEffect, init) let objAcc = stellarObject.acc, objOldAcc = stellarObject.oldAcc; for (let i = init; i >= 0; i--) let currentTarget = stellarObjects[i]; if (currentTarget !== stellarObject) let targetX = currentTarget.x, targetY = currentTarget.y, targetME = currentTarget.massEffect, targetAcc = currentTarget.acc, targetOldAcc = currentTarget.oldAcc; let difY = y - targetY, difX = x - targetX; let distance = getDistance(difY, difX); if (distance !== 0) let distSqr = distance * distance; let accelTarg = massEffect / distSqr, accelObj = targetME / distSqr; let yIsNegative = difY < 0; let theta = Math.atan(difX / difY); targetAcc.x += difX === 0 0 : ((yIsNegative -1 : 1) * accelTarg * Math.sin(theta)); targetAcc.y += difY === 0 0 : ((yIsNegative -1 : 1) * accelTarg * Math.cos(theta)); objAcc.x -= difX === 0 0 : ((yIsNegative -1 : 1) * accelObj * Math.sin(theta)); objAcc.y -= difY === 0 0 : ((yIsNegative -1 : 1) * accelObj * Math.cos(theta)); function applyObjectGravityToFabric(x, y, massEffect) let xMeasure = x/cellSize, yMeasure = y/cellSize; for (let i = 0; i < gHeight; i++) let row = gField[i]; for (let j = 0; j < gWidth; j++) let currentVector = row[j]; let oX = currentVector[0], oY = currentVector[1], difX = xMeasure - j, difY = yMeasure - i; if(difX*difX + difY*difY < MAX_FIELD_DISTANCE ) let distance = getDistance(difX, difY); if ( distance !== 0) let force = (massEffect) / (distance * distance); let xIsNegative = difX < 0, yIsNegative = difY < 0; let theta = Math.atan(difX / difY); currentVector[0] += difX === 0 0 : ((yIsNegative -1 : 1) * force * Math.sin(theta)); currentVector[1] += difY === 0 0 : ((yIsNegative -1 : 1) * force * Math.cos(theta)); function recalculateGravityField() for (let i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) let o = stellarObjects[i]; applyObjectGravityToFabric(o.x, o.y, o.massEffect); function resetGravityFieldInPlace() for (let i = 0; i < gHeight; i++) let row = gField[i]; for (let w = 0; w < gWidth; w++) row[w] = [0,0]; function reinitializeGravityField() gField = []; let maxH = HEIGHT / cellSize, maxW = WIDTH / cellSize; for (let h = 0; h 1 -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(velocity - xComponent) , acc: x:0,y:0,xh:0,yh:0 , oldAcc: x:0,y:0 , massEffect: randomMass * G }}function getStellarObject(color,multiplier,x,y, xv, yv)let mass = MIN_RND_MASS + multiplier * (MAX_RND_MASS - MIN_RND_MASS); let size = Math.pow(3 * mass / 4 / PI, 1 / 3) * SCALE; return color:color, size:size, mass:mass, x: x, y:y, velocity:x:xv,y:yv,acc:x:0,y:0,xh:0,yh:0, oldAcc:x:0,y:0,massEffect:mass*G; function getDistance(difX, difY) return Math.sqrt(difX * difX + difY * difY);function getRandomColor() return "rgb(" + (Math.random() * 256 >>> 0) + "," + (Math.random() * 256 >>> 0) + "," + (Math.random() * 256 >>> 0) + ")";#AutoStep font-weight: bold;canvas cursor: crosshair; background-color: black; border: 1px solid black; vertical-align: text-top; -ms-touch-action: none;input,.controls font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri;input padding: 2px;.controls text-align: center; background-color: #bfbfbf; display: inline-block; vertical-align: text-top; border: 1px solid black;label cursor: pointer;.container display: inline-block; width: 552px;.controls .inner display: inline-block;.controls .section text-align: left; background-color: #dfdfdf; border: 1px solid #9f9f9f; padding: 2px; margin: 1px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: text-top; Delay: none 10 ms 15 ms 30 ms 60 ms 500ms 1 sec Border: Annihilate Unbounded Loop Ricochet 50% Ricochet Object Size: Random 100% 90% 75% 50% 25% 10% 5% 1% 0.90% 0.50% 0.25% 0.10% 0.01% Object Color: Random Red Magenta Orange Yellow Green Light Green Blue Cyan Indigo Violet Brown Gray White Show Fabric Granularity: 5 7 10 13 15 20 30 Track Handle Collisions Restitution: 1.0 0.95 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 no canvas available 153554b96e


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